Prague Airport

Web-based staff training management system

Preview of the user experience of the training catalog in the booking system of Prague Airport on a tablet.

Project brief

We revamped and rewrote the existing web-based training management system for Prague Airport. This system, among other things, manages employees and partners as well as external users, issues certificates, and submits documents to the accounting department.

The original solution was slow, inefficient, and challenging to maintain. This led to Prague Airport staff spending too much time exporting reports or waiting for the system to respond, costing the airport both time and money. Beyond speed and user-friendliness, our project was also designed to enhance the system's security and integrate it with Microsoft's Azure cloud platform. This step allowed us to leverage advanced security measures and further increase data and user protection.

Services provided

Current system evaluation and architecture design
System development and implementation
Penetration and performance testing
Data migration and deployment

Our approach

First, we decided to replace the original complicated solution with modern frameworks. We chose the robust Symfony system and optimized it for PHP8. This simplified the entire architecture and increased the system's performance. We also focused on improving security by implementing bcrypt for password storage. Additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication and data encryption, were then deployed.

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  1. Analysis: We thoroughly analyzed the existing system, identifying its security and performance flaws.
  2. Architecture Design: Based on the analysis, we designed a new architecture tailored for the Azure cloud, incorporating modern security features and a simplified structure.
  3. Development: We developed a new, user-friendly, performance-optimized system. Data migration from the old system was executed smoothly.
  4. Testing: We subjected the system to thorough testing, including penetration tests that uncovered and eliminated security threats.
  5. Deployment: The new system was deployed to the Azure cloud infrastructure with no downtime and minimal disruption to operations.

Outcome and benefits

The new booking system allows users to work more efficiently, and the system itself is more intuitive and enjoyable to use. Report exports have been sped up by 25%, and development costs have been reduced by 30%. Day-to-day work in the system is much smoother, with the average response time drastically reduced from 10 seconds to only 120 milliseconds.

The transition to the cloud infrastructure was seamless, and the reservation system met the increased security requirements even under the transition's challenging conditions. Thanks to modern frameworks and libraries, Prague Airport can be confident that they can easily use our solution for a long time and that the entire application is more accessible and scalable due to the cloud solution.


reduction of development costs


faster report exports


shorter average response time

More of our case studies

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